Sunday, 8 March 2015

Selenium Grid

What is Selenium Grid?

Selenium Grid is a part of the Selenium Suite that specializes on running multiple tests across different browsers, operating systems, and machines in parallel.

What is a Hub and Node?

The Hub

  • The hub is the central point where you load your tests into.
  • There should only be one hub in a grid.
  • The hub is launched only on a single machine, say, a computer whose OS is Windows 7 and whose browser is IE.
  • The machine containing the hub is where the tests will be run, but you will see the browser being automated on the node.

The Nodes

  • Nodes are the Selenium instances that will execute the tests that you loaded on the hub.
  • There can be one or more nodes in a grid.
  • Nodes can be launched on multiple machines with different platforms and browsers.
  • The machines running the nodes need not be the same platform as that of the hub.

Tell  u one gud way to test  selenium grid...

1.create three folders  any drive C OR D drive...
            folder name  like give

                     1. test1

2.keep selenium server standalone jar file in all three folders..


first TEST1 folder..inside keep selenium server standalone -change  to name to...( sss ) y because easy to type in cmd prompt...



type in cmd prompt

eg..Default C drive change to E ......type E: --enter --change to  E drive..thn  type cd test1 ..thn type blow code

code: java -jar sss.jar -role hub

2.SAME  STEP DIFFERENT WAY notepad  paste tis code inside notepad...

code :   java -jar sss.jar -role hub

save  name as -(test1.bat)------ save as inside TEST1 folder..

double click on  test1.bat  file it wil open cmd prompt and created as hub

Then type in firefox or chrome.. as ---- localhost:4444

it opens page like as below


same thing do for test2 folder also

1.keep selenium server standalone  jar file
2.create bat file inside test2 folder also


1.go to cmd prompt set to path upto test2 folder..thn type blow code

code:java -jar sss.jar -role node -hub -port 5566

PRESS ENTER -it wil display below like screen-means node created

Refresh in chrome or firefox once ...u can see down screen..

Running a Sample Test Case on the Grid

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